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Cost Accounting and Pricing

The Pricing is one of the most critical decisions companies face. Setting the right price for their products or services can directly impact profitability and competitiveness. This is where cost accounting plays a fundamental role. In this article, we will explore cost accounting techniques, such as absorption costing and direct costing, and how these tools can help companies determine prices strategically.

Absorption Costing vs. Direct Costing

To understand how cost accounting influences pricing, it's essential to grasp two main approaches: absorption costing and direct costing.

Determining Prices

Once a company has chosen between absorption costing and direct costing, it can use this information to determine prices strategically. Here are some key steps:

Cost accounting plays a crucial role in setting competitive and profitable prices. Choosing between absorption costing and direct costing and understanding profit margins and the break-even point are essential steps for strategic pricing. By adopting a data-driven approach, companies can make informed decisions that drive long-term financial success.

It's not just an accounting practice but a powerful tool for shaping pricing strategy and driving business growth.

(ARAUJO, Robson. Cost Accounting and Pricing)

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