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FGTS Digital: Revitalized Payments and Modernized Access.

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From March 2024, the Length of Service Guarantee Fund will undergo significant transformations with the arrival of FGTS Digital. Find out what changes and the advantages of this innovation.

With the constant evolution of the technological scenario and the increasing implementation of e-Social, the Federal Government announces an important change in the Length of Service Guarantee Fund – FGTS. As of March 2024, FGTS Digital will come into operation, a new management and administration platform that promises to modernize access and optimize processes related to the fund.


Simplified Payment and Date Unification:

One of the most significant changes is the unification of due dates for labor charges and taxes. Previously scheduled for the 7th of each month, the FGTS payment will be transferred to the 20th of the following month. This change aims to simplify the financial management of companies and provide greater organization in the fulfillment of labor obligations.

In addition to the change in date, the payment method will also be modernized. The FGTS Guide, from March 2024, must be paid exclusively through digital means, such as PIX, QR Code or Copy and Paste. It is worth noting that it will not be necessary to have a PIX key, just an account enabled for this type of transaction.


Advantage: Immediate Identification and Avoids Double Payments:

One of the notable advantages of FGTS Digital is the immediate identification of payment, linked directly to the worker. This significantly reduces the possibility of double payments, as the system automatically recognizes whether a certain amount has already been collected.

However, it is crucial to note that these changes only apply to guides from March 2024 onwards. For the month of March 2024, the payment refers to the FGTS from February 2024, maintaining the previous model.


New Platform, New Power of Attorney:

With the implementation of FGTS Digital, the transition to a new platform implies the need for a new power of attorney to access company data. This measure aims to ensure security and compliance with the new guidelines, providing a smooth transition for companies and their representatives.


The changes to the FGTS from March 2024 represent a significant step towards modernization and efficiency in the management of resources related to the Length of Service Guarantee Fund. Companies and workers must prepare to adopt new payment methods and take advantage of the advantages provided by immediate identification and unification of due dates. The transition to FGTS Digital marks a new chapter in the administration of labor resources in Brazil.


(MESQUITA, Guilherme. FGTS Digital: Revitalized Payments and Modernized Access.)

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