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Complete Guide to Opening Your MEI by SmartSolve

Abertura Mei - SmartSolve

Abertura Mei - SmartSolve

At SmartSolve, we understand that the entrepreneurial journey is filled with challenges and responsibilities. Therefore, we've crafted a detailed step-by-step guide for you to embark on your journey on the right foot. By following these instructions, the process of opening your MEI will be straightforward and uncomplicated.


1st step: MEI Eligibility Criteria

First and foremost, ensure you meet the basic criteria:

– Não possuir vínculo em outra empresa;

– Ter um faturamento anual de até R$ 81.000;

– Desenvolver atividades permitidas para o MEI.


2nd step: Registration on the Portal

Visite o Portal do Empreendedor e, na seção de formalização, selecione “Quero ser”. Opte por “Formalize-se” e siga para o cadastro no Lembre-se: serviços oficiais são sempre a melhor opção.


3rd step: Filling in the Entrepreneur Portal

Ao clicar em “Formalize-se”, utilize suas informações do e autorize o acesso à Área do Usuário da Redesim. Preencha os dados solicitados e espere pelo código de confirmação enviado por SMS.


4th step: Choosing a trade name and activities

Determine a name that aptly represents your business and select the activities you'll engage in. Also, specify the nature of your operation (itinerant, home-based, etc.). Accuracy here is crucial to prevent future complications.


5th step: Specify the address

Besides your residential address, indicate where the business will operate. And yes, it can be the same address! Legislation allows the MEI to use their residence as a commercial base.


6th step: Issuance of the CCMEI

Carefully read and agree to all the necessary statements for MEI. Afterward, you'll receive the CCMEI, your official proof of registration as an Individual Microentrepreneur.


7th step: Registration for invoice issuance

Since September 2023, the registration for the national services issuer has become mandatory. Use the receipt from the last Individual Income Tax Return submitted to complete this registration.


At SmartSolve, we are committed to providing the support you deserve throughout this journey. Our team of experts is ready to guide, advise, and assist at every step. Because we understand that your business's success is a reflection of our commitment to you. Start your entrepreneurial path today with confidence and peace of mind!


(ARAUJO, Robson. Complete Guide to Opening Your MEI by SmartSolve)

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