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The Benefits of Being a Freelance Advertising Professional (PJ)

The career of an advertising professional is exciting and challenging, filled with creative opportunities and constant innovations. Many professionals in the field have the option to work as a legal entity (PJ), which means operating as independent entrepreneurs rather than being employed by a company under CLT (Consolidation of Labor Laws). This choice can bring numerous benefits for those seeking freedom, flexibility, and growth in the field of advertising. Let's explore some of the key benefits of being a freelance advertising professional (PJ):

  1. Autonomy and Creative Freedom: When working as a PJ, you have the opportunity to engage in diverse projects and have more control over the type of work you accept. This means you can steer your career according to your passions and interests, choosing clients and projects that inspire you the most. Creative freedom is invaluable for advertising professionals who want to express themselves and explore their creativity to the fullest.
  2. Flexible Hours: The life of a freelance advertising professional often offers the flexibility to set your own working hours. You can optimize your time according to your productivity and achieve a better work-life balance. This allows you to have better control over your schedule and take advantage of leisure opportunities or personal activities without the restrictions of a traditional job.
  3. Higher Earning Potential: As a PJ, you can set your own service rates and, in many cases, earn more money than a professional under CLT. Additionally, you can take advantage of tax benefits available to legal entities, which can result in lower tax burdens and higher net income.
  4. Diversity of Clients and Projects: Working as a freelance advertising professional allows you to explore a wide variety of industries and clients. This enriches your professional experience, expands your portfolio, and helps you build a diverse network of contacts. The diversity of projects also keeps your career exciting and challenging.
  5. Development of Entrepreneurial Skills: Being a freelance advertising professional is an opportunity to develop valuable entrepreneurial skills. You will learn to manage your finances, negotiate contracts, create a business plan, and develop marketing strategies for your own personal brand. These skills can be transferable to other business areas and boost your entrepreneurial success.
  6. Professional Growth Potential: By running your own business as a PJ, you have complete control over your professional growth. You can decide when and how to expand your services, hire collaborators, and pursue new opportunities. This puts you in the driver's seat of your career and opens the path to sustainable growth.

While being a freelance advertising professional offers many benefits, it's important to remember that it also comes with responsibilities, such as managing the financial and administrative aspects of your business. Planning and preparing to face the challenges that may arise along the way are essential. With the right determination and an entrepreneurial mindset, being a freelance advertising professional (PJ) can be a rewarding choice for those looking to navigate a more independent and opportunity-filled career path in the advertising industry.

(ARAUJO, Robson. The Benefits of Being a Freelance Advertising Professional (PJ))

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