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Federal Revenue Anticipates Release of the 2024 Income Tax Program.

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The Federal Revenue surprised taxpayers by releasing, on March 12, the program for declaring Income Tax 2024, as highlighted in a recent article publicado no renomado jornal financeiro “Capital Econômico”. Esta ação antecipada permitiu que os cidadãos baixassem a nova versão do programa antes do previsto, marcando o início do período de entrega da Declaração de Imposto de Renda da Pessoa Física (DIRPF) deste ano, estendendo-se até 31 de maio.

Serpro, the government technology intelligence company responsible for processing IRPF for decades, is monitoring the number of downloads of the program in real time. The state-owned company's operations teams are committed to ensuring the stability and performance of the environment, ensuring a smooth experience for taxpayers preparing to meet their tax obligations.

The IRPF 2024 program, developed and maintained by Serpro, can be downloaded through the link provided by the Federal Revenue Service. The process is accessible, allowing taxpayers to choose the version compatible with their operating system, whether Windows, MacOs, Linux or Multiplatform. After downloading, installation is carried out easily, just follow the program's executable (.exe) in the Download folder on your computer.

Once installed, filling out the declaration becomes more accessible. Taxpayers need to provide the information present in the Income Reports from work, private pension, bank and brokerage, organized in the corresponding tabs. Opting for a pre-filled declaration is a convenient alternative, allowing the Revenue system to automatically complete the data available in its database.

The anticipation of the release of the 2024 Income Tax program by the Federal Revenue Service provides taxpayers with a valuable opportunity to advance their processes and with the support of Smartsolve, preparing the Income Tax Declaration becomes more than a tax obligation; it is a facilitated and guided experience to ensure compliance and accuracy.

Don't forget to count on Smartsolve para enfrentar esta temporada de impostos com confiança e eficiência. Confira nossos planos here.

Get in touch today to get personalized assistance and simplify the path towards your tax declaration.


(BAUER, Sylvia. Federal Revenue Anticipates Release of the 2024 Income Tax Program)

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