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FGTS Digital: The Future of Administration of the Length of Service Guarantee Fund

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From March 2024, a revolution is set to take place in the world of business administration. Service Time Guarantee Fund (FGTS). With the introduction of FGTS Digital, a new management and administration platform, a series of exciting changes and innovative benefits are on the way for Brazilian employers and workers.

This evolution is driven by the continuous advancement of e-Social, a government initiative that aims to simplify and unify the sending of labor information. FGTS Digital is a response to this trend of digitalization and modernization of work-related processes in Brazil, promising to make FGTS management more efficient and transparent.

One of the most significant changes that accompany the FGTS Digital is the unification of due dates for labor charges and taxes. From March 2024, FGTS payment will be transferred from the 7th to the 20th of the following month, simplifying the process for employers and ensuring compliance with tax obligations within the stipulated deadline.

Furthermore, the collection of the FGTS Guide will be modernized and simplified. Now, employers will be able to make payments exclusively through PIX, QR Code or Copy and Paste. This change not only speeds up the payment process, but also guarantees immediate and linked identification to the worker, significantly reducing the risk of double payments.

Regarding the closing of the payroll, FGTS Digital will bring some important changes. Although payroll reports and payment receipts will continue to be sent on the same date, FGTS and unified DARF labor taxes will be sent after the 10th of each month. This change is due to the need to edit the guide in the event of termination, ensuring greater accuracy and compliance with labor regulations.

FGTS Digital represents a milestone in the modernization of labor processes in Brazil. With its innovative changes and tangible advantages, this new platform promises to simplify FGTS administration, providing benefits for both employers and workers across the country. Get ready for a new era of efficiency and transparency in FGTS management!

In this context of advances and transformations in the labor administration scenario, it is crucial to recognize the fundamental role of companies that stand out for their ability to adapt and innovate. Smartsolve is a shining example of this, as it has consistently demonstrated its ability to anticipate changes and adopt cutting-edge technological solutions to optimize its processes.

It is essential to highlight that, with the implementation of FGTS Digital, it will be necessary to obtain a new power of attorney to access the company's data. This measure aims to protect the security and integrity of information, ensuring that only authorized parties have access to sensitive data.

In this transition to FGTS Digital, the Smartsolve once again reinforces its commitment to excellence and operational efficiency. Your proactive stance and ability to stay at the forefront of best business practices are truly inspiring. This achievement not only reflects the company's dedication to providing the best working environment for its employees, but also its determination to provide exceptional quality service to its customers.


(Monteiro, Vanessa. FGTS Digital: The Future of Administration of the Severance Indemnity Fund)

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