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Responsibilities of a Freelance Advertising Professional (PJ)

If you are an advertising professional operating as a legal entity (PJ), understanding and effectively managing your finances is crucial for the success of your business. Accounting plays a pivotal role in this process, helping you maintain control over your revenues, expenses, and fulfill tax obligations appropriately. In this guide, we will address some crucial aspects of accounting for freelance advertising professionals (PJ). 

  1. Company Formation

The first step for an advertising professional operating as a PJ is to establish a company. This can be done under various legal forms, such as a sole proprietorship, EIRELI (Individual Limited Liability Company), or a limited liability partnership. Each form has its fiscal and legal implications, and it's important to choose the one that best suits your needs. 

  1. Financial Management

Maintaining strict financial control is essential. Use accounting software or spreadsheets to record all your financial transactions, including revenues (client payments), expenses (rent, office supplies, salaries), and investments in your business. 

  1. Invoicing

Issue invoices to your clients whenever you provide services. This is a tax obligation and may vary depending on your country's legislation. Consult an accountant to ensure compliance with all local regulations. 

  1. Taxes and Tax Obligations

Understanding tax obligations is fundamental. You will need to pay taxes on your revenue, which can vary based on your legal form and location. Additionally, consider the possibility of opting for the Simplified Tax System (Simples Nacional) or another tax regime that is more advantageous for your business. 

  1. Cost Accounting

Cost accounting is important to understand how much you spend to deliver your services. This includes direct costs (like employee salaries) and indirect costs (such as office rent). This can help set appropriate prices and identify cost-saving opportunities. 

  1. Financial Planning

Develop a financial plan that includes revenue, expense, and profit goals. This will help you establish guidelines for your business's growth and make more informed financial decisions. 

  1. Specialized Accountant

Considering hiring an accountant specialized in small businesses or advertising services can be a wise choice. An accountant can provide valuable guidance on tax and financial matters specific to your industry. 

  1. Auditing and Accounting Review

Periodically, it is important to conduct internal audits or accounting reviews to ensure that your financial records are accurate and in compliance with regulations. 

Accounting plays a pivotal role in the successful financial management of a freelance advertising professional (PJ). By maintaining precise financial records, fulfilling tax obligations, and strategically planning your finances, you will be on the right path to sustainable success in your career as an advertising professional. 

Keep in mind that tax and regulatory information can vary based on your location and legal structure, so it's always advisable to seek professional guidance to ensure compliance with all legal obligations. 

(ARAUJO, Robson. Responsibilities of a Freelance Advertising Professional (PJ)

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